Jupiter, planet of philosophy and expansion, enters pada three of Ashwini, the nakshatra associated with speed, impulse and courage, from May 20th to June 4th 2023.

The third pada of this nakshatra relates to Gemini navamsha, the chart of marriage and blessings, which gives you an underlying intellectual focus and a gift for communication. Ashwini’s Shakti for ‘Quick Action’ is channelled through Mercury’s lively versatility, and you can make your mind up on the spot and seize a passing opportunity.

A curiosity for small details fuses with a fascination for the bigger picture, and may start you on a quest for higher knowledge through travel and education. Studying alongside your partner is a delight and you take it in turns to educate and play Guru for each other – or else you can meet somebody totally new in this setting.

Information for its own sake is highly prized, and you may distribute your own teaching and insight, either in the classroom or through a wider media campaign. This pada’s Mercury rulership also gives you a flair for business, where you take your training and qualifications into a commercial setting and create a new income source.

The third pada of any nakshatra is of the Kama tendency, which centres around relationship and fulfilling your desires: Ashwini has strong values, and though you are direct and impulsive, you combine integrity with great personal charm.

Jupiter comes together directly with shadowy Rahu in Aries, especially from May 27th to June 1st, which sees you branching out in new directions and perhaps rebelling against an old belief system.

Read the fine print in any negotiation, and keep an eye on your principles if you are tempted to make a business from your teaching.

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