Mars moves into Shatabishta within the sign of Aquarius on April 16th, a nakshatra of mysticism and independent spirit.

Shatabishta’s name translates literally to ‘one hundred physicians’, and its Shakti or special quality, for Healing, may see you adopting a new diet or exploring an exotic or offbeat wellness regime. Protect yourself and attend your diet and everyday needs and rituals, whether you are on a fitness kick or bouncing back from illness or injury.

Mars gives you energy and initiative and used smartly allows you to overcome obstacles on a subtle level and live in tune with the natural cycles of life. This asterism’s ruler is Varuna, God of the Oceans, which can show a physical connection with water – swimming, ritual drinking and bathing – or immersion in the inner waters of chanting and meditation.

Shatabishta’s symbol is an empty circle or horizon, which suggests both careful containment and restriction, so you have to maintain a balance and not give up when answers don’t appear immediately. There is also an association in this transit with invisible boundaries and investigating the hidden and mysterious elements of life.

You may become something of a hermit, getting into your reading, psychology and finding answers to deep questions – just as long as you don’t withdraw too much or over-think every issue. Mars moves alongside romantic Venus up to April 27th, making a push-pull dynamic in your relationship.

You may reach out to someone and want to move on to another level, or receive strong attention and feel you have to respond. Still, this is a good time to be in company and to break through old boundaries with someone who understands you well.

Comments to: April 16 – May 3 ~ Mars (in Shatabhishak) ~ Break through old boundaries

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