Mercury, planet of communication, enters the nakshatra of Dhanishtha across the zodiacal signs of Capricorn and Aquarius on February 23rd until March 3rd 2023.

Dhanishtha is famous for its association with music, represented by Shiva’s flute, and its symbol The Drum shows percussion and rhythm. You can use this signature for music and any activity which needs a strong pulse. Mercury favours speaking, singing and using your voice, or perhaps studying and understanding music theory in an academic way.

A meditative experience that brings great mental peace may have a musical accompaniment, and public performance also has the promise of satisfaction, where you can hold the attention of a room. Dhanishtha’s Shakti, or special power, is ‘To Create Wealth and Fame’, and with Mercury’s flair for business, this is an auspicious time to close a deal.

You analyse details of your operation and create prosperity and reward in anything you do – keep the inspiration from this time even after it is over. This asterism is ruled by the Ashta (eight) Vasus, which are the wealth-givers in Vedic mythology, and making a charitable donation is favourable for both giver and receiver.

Focusing on your ideas, career and ambitions is more positive now than relationship plans, and you lay the foundations for your future success. From February 27th, Mercury joins strict, karmic Saturn in Aquarius, and your words are more reserved, especially as you only speak up when you are sure you are right.

This time favours serious thinking, when you may write your ideas down to refer back to and develop later. Tune out any doubts or worries between March 2nd and 3rd especially, and make sure you are not over-thinking a small problem.

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